Sunday, July 26, 2009



A man attending a movie was surprised to find himself sitting behind a woman and an Alsatian dog. Even more amazing was the fact that the dog laughed in the right places throughout the movie.

"Excuse me, madam," the man said, "but I think that it is simply amazing that your dog is enjoying the movie so much."

"I am quite surprised myself," the woman replied. "He hated the book on which this movie is based."

A man finally bought a parrot at an auction after some very spirited bidding.

"I suppose the bird talks," he enquired the auctioneer.

"Talks?" said the auctioneer a bit surprised. "He has been bidding against you for the past half an hour."

A Chinese dog once met an American dog at the city of New york. The Chinese dog said to his American counterpart, "China is a great country to live in. Our GDP growth is fastest in the world. My master feeds me six times a day with caviar etc."

"Then why did you come to the U S ?" asked the American dog.

"I'd like to bark once in a while, you see." replied the Chinese visitor.

A man met his friend after a long time. Looking at the signs of prosperity in his Friend the man asked, "You seem to be doing well for yourself. What is the secret?"

"It was because of a brilliant business idea I hit upon needing low capital and high turnover and profit." replied the friend.

"And what did you sell?" enquired the friend curiously.

"I sell homing pigeons," explained the friend. "Each time I sell a pigeon, it comes back to me the very next day!"

Once upon a time there was a dog who sat by the side of a railway track when a passing train cut off an inch of its tail. Seeking revenge, the dog waited patiently for the train's next trip and tried to bite it as the train went past. The wheels of the train ran over the dog's neck cutting its head off.

The moral of this story: Never lose your head over a piece of tail.

It's an animal that can take several thousand people for a ride at the same time.

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